DOC VIII – “The Fish”

The Game- Rebound Rumble

Rebound Rumble was released in 2012 and 2343 teams competed. The game was played similarly to a basketball match. The field was arranged like a basketball court- 4 baskets located at the ends of the field with balls centered in the middle. If scored in a basket, balls in the top basket earn 3 points, 2 if scored in the middle, and 1 point if shot into the bottom basket. During the first fifteen seconds of the match, preloaded robots must autonomously shoot into baskets. Baskets made during the anonymous period gain an additional three points to each basket made. Blocking is only possible if robots are not in safe zones. At the end of the match, robots balancing on the center bridges earn additional points. 

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DOC VIII- “The Fish”

          DOC 8 went 8-0 in the qualification matches and ranked 2nd at the Sacramento Regional. After competing competitively, the team eventually they lost in the semifinals. At the Central Valley Regional DOC VIII ranked 19th and sadly lost in the quarter finals. 20 of team 1671 members traveled to Saint Louis  to compete at the championships. The team ranked 32nd out of 100 teams in the Galilelo division. Team 1671 placed 2nd with the alliance team members 1678 and 692 at CalGames.

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